Miquel Mestre: S'Arenalet d'Aubarca




Written in the air

blown away by the wind,

paths conjure up in Aubarca.


Genista yellow.

Rugged mountains.

As if they wept.


They cry for the soul

that was stolen from them one day.

Thieves of stones.


Horses and mares

run wild

Freer is the land.


Behind bluish

strips of calm sea,



Be it water

the rain that await us

beyond the water.


Words open up

On deserts and barren lands.

Words are superfluous.

Llibre d´Aubarca (Book of Aubarca), 2002

Translated by Núria Cohen.


Miquel Mestre

(Artà, 1951). Miquel Mestre is a writer and a doctor. His first collection of poems entitled Silencis (1975) ”Silences” was the winner of the Young Sant Jordi Prize for poetry. This was followed by volumes such as Amnèsia (1986), Espai silent (1998), El carnival dels animals (2000) and Llibre d'Aubarca (2002), among many others. Among his fiction books are Cos de dona (1997), Àngela (1998), and La taronja de Proust (1999). He has written plays including El soldat Georg (1985), La maleta (2000) or El darrer tren (2008). He has recited poems in Mallorca, Catalonia, Valencia, Madrid and New York.

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