This project, its contents and its format are the outcome of efforts by a multidisciplinary team of professionals. Special acknowledgement must be made of the assistance of a long list of informants and experts from all the towns and villages, who have contributed with knowledge, information and photographs in order to help create and enrich this tool. It is a collaborative initiative, based on the work of many people, and we hope that it will be enjoyed by manyothers.
Idea, conceptualization and direction: Carme Castells
Coordination and supervision of contents: Carme Castells
Technical direction: Tomeu Guiscafré
Technical coordination: Antoni Font Gelabert
Patrimonial elements catalog: Tomàs Vibot Raikalari
Writing of texts and categorization: Esteve Nicolau, Carlota Oliva, Joana M. Serra, Joana Gomila, Carme Castells, Carme Colom
Graphic design: La Bodoni
Web/app design and programming: BitGrup Solucions Tecnològiques
Localizations and coordination of informants: Antoni Font
Photography: Antoni Font i Tolo Balaguer
With the indispensable help of the local expert collaborators, without which we could not have started this project so broad and with so much depth of detail: