Santanyí, land of bread
barley and wheat,
where words become lament
when rain is absent. Clear sky,
austral land, pine trees
and blue sea, the same
that blankets Africa and leaves
sea trails on the sand.
Like them, pilgrims in a vessel,
weyour sons seek the horizon
when we leave your enclave.
That, far and wide, your name bonfire
innermay it be, Lamb of Peace,
to warm our hearts.
Florilegi de poemes a Santanyí. Pregó de les Festes de Sant Jaume (Anthology of poems in Santanyí. The announcer of the Fiestas of Sant Jaume), 1994
Translated by Núria Cohen.
(Santanyí, 1936). Llorenç Vidal Vidal is a poet, educator and a well-known peace activist who has undertaken pedagogical projects related to peace.He gained a degree and PhD in Philosophy and Arts, set out to write his literary notebooks entitled Ponent in 1956, a Mallorcan literary magazine and spokesperson for the Non-violence and Peace Day in schools. His poetic oeuvre includes El cant de la balalaika (1958), Talaiot del vent (1965) or La rosa de los vientos (2012).