Hermit Macari's Miracles

A place of legend!

Among the hermits who have lived at Betlem hermitage in Artà, people particularly remember Bartomeu Montserrat Adrover of Felanitx, known as hermit Macari. Wondrous stories are told about him, such as his ability, one day, to stop a big rock that had come loose from falling just with his hand. Today it is known as the hermit’s rock. He was so obedient that even all the little children took advantage of him, and once they managed to get him to jump into an irrigation pond in the middle of winter. Other prodigious events that are remembered are his capacity to dig such a huge pile of stones that it would have been a week’s work for anyone else or his ability to go from Artà to Felanitx and back in the blink of an eye for his father’s funeral, so fast that no one could explain how he had done it. 


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