Antoni Xumet: Port de Pollença

Deià, March, 1995

I am so tenderly far away, that I cannot even feel myself. But the city lights its gardens, becomes inflamed in colours that I cannot see until I make my return. The house where I was born had two windows from which I used to watch the boats sail by and my sister´s hair, with the same freedom. Now, I do not want to write too loud, because she is sleeping.

In front of two windows, they planted, a palm tree that grew out of all proportions from so much love. I remember that we used to play under its shade, they smiled until we were summoned, because inadvertently, one of our afternoons had died. As dusk fell, though, at that time a bit further from games and from being a child, was when my body acquired a name: I had a book in my hands.

“Vent de la memòria” Biografia per a l’ús del vent ("Wind of memory", Biography for the use of the wind), 1996

Translated by Núria Cohen.

Antoni Xumet

(Port de Pollença, 1971). Antoni Xumet is a poet and writer. He is the author of the poems Pot ser el cor (1994), Memòria del temps (1996), Biografia per a l'ús del vent (1996), Una varietat del mim (1998), La nuesa  el verí (2008). He has also translated works from Portuguese of authors such as J.L. Peixoto and Maria do Rosário Pedreira, among others. As a literary director he has managed the publications of Edicions del Salobre, founded in 2004 in Port of Pollença.

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