Let me tell you, that in my village...
I was six years old...
When those whom we know...
carriedthe whistling whip over the roofs...
Invisible to you would be
thepath of my childhood,
in the midst of fog and darkness
actingas a barrier to the light
of time. But we,
our words gone dry, like the owl,
smell the wet soil
and instinctively we move on along the reeds
on the slippery stones
we wake the waves of
our memory. Along the path
of s´Almonia surrounding
the hills of innocence
we imagine the landscape
of a novel and a shotgun,
thin land where war
was never there for children
who played at making war
because life was a game.
Tenderness was raw
and all that scenery was
agift, thus, all ours,
becausewe had our parents
who sheltered the calm sea
all those slow years
ofephemeral childhood.
Memòria fòssil (Fossil memory), 2005
Translated by Núria Cohen.
(Manacor, 1950). Bernat Nadal is a poet and writer. He embarked on his literary career under the influence of Blai Bonet and Miquel Àngel Riera. He has been awarded various literary prizes such as Ciutat de Manacor, Premi de les Lletres de Campos and Premi Mallorca en Poesia“. His oeuvre includes La desintegració del desig (1971), Elegies (1971), Memòria fòssil (2005) or La carn que cruix (2009). He also writes prose and essays, and has collaborated with the print press.