Miquel Bezares: Els Canons

You want to learn how to swim. You drive your car to Mollet dels Canons. On the way there you observe the calmness of the sea. «It is not raging, the sea, today. It is too perfect», you think. Cabrera can be seen with such clarity, this morning, that a strange sense of calmness envelops you. An unexpected feeling of euphoria overtakes you. You pull over to the side of the road and from there you catch sight of Barbara´s beautiful body, waving her arms warmly at you.

Quan els avions cauen (When aeroplanes fall), 2001

Translated by Núria Cohen.

Miquel Bezares

(Llucmajor, 1968). Miquel Bezares is a poet, narrator and professor. He divides his time between writing and teaching Catalan language and literature. Especially noteworthy are his poetry books Cos de Calitja (1987) his debut work, Crònica del desfici (1992), L´espiga del buit (2010) and Origen (2014). His narrative works include Susannes (1999), Quan els avions cauen (2001), El mar de blat (2001), or Terminal B (2009). He collaborated with the photographer Toni Catany on the texts for the catalogues Calotips (1998), Dels qui escriuen (2002) and Record de Llucmajor (2003).

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