Miquel Àngel Colomar: Sóller





Es wellt sich die grüne Nacht

erschauernd über Orangenbäumen:

aufrecht und entzündet

wie Kerzenleuchter



Die Palme: Ibis des Wandschirms

–Wohin fliegt er

Das Tal wie ein Kelch


–Wer hebt ihn?

Und der Mond

–Wer drückt ihn aus wie eine Orange?



... wie eine Orange, begann vor meinen Augen

der goldene Augenblick sich zudrehen

La Gaceta Literaria, num. 3 (1-2-1927)

Übersetzt von Claudia Kalasz.

Miquel Àngel Colomar

(Palma, 1903 - 1970). Miquel Àngel Colomar was a journalist, art and literary critic as well as poet. He began his studies in Ibiza and then went on to study commerce in Palma. He collaborated with the Ibizan and Mallorcan press and was imprisoned during the Spanish Civil War. It was not until the 50s when he was able to return to journalism, frequently writing under pseudonyms or by using initials. He became involved in literary movements related to the avant-gardes and wrote poetry, published under the title Poemas y otros papeles (1986) and novels including Polly quiere una galleta.

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