Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza: Llucalcari

The Azuolas were waiting for him on the usual rocks in Lluchalcari, the next morning. Catching sight of the still and crystal clear water of the coves and the vibration of the cicadas in the burning air of the olive groves was discovering the peace of bygone times, which he had already forgotten. I should have never left this place, he thought as he lay on a rock with the scorching sun on his back.

Años de fuga (Vanishing years), 1979

Translated by Núria Cohen.

Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza

(Tunja, Colòmbia, 1932). Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza is a writer and journalist. As a journalist, he has published for various international media outlets. He has also pursued a diplomatic career as the ambassador of Colombia to countries including Italy and Portugal. Among his literary works especially noteworthy are El desertor y otros relatos (1974), Años de fuga (1979, Plaza y Janés Novel Prize), Cinco días en la isla (1999) and Entre dos aguas (2010). He has written and published the ensemble of his talks and memories with Gabriel García Márquez given the friendship that was forged between them from the late forties.

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