Costa de sa Pols

There in front of me was a small square with the monument by Benlliure dedicated to Antoni Maura, the church of Saint Nicholas and two small modernist buildings. Just a few steps away, the café Central, the CaixaForum, can Frasquet – Palma´s most famous pâtisserie - a bakery renowned for its ensaïmades and the Bar Bosch, besides other cafés designed with the perverse aim of feigning a long tradition to the eyes of the outsider. And again two steps away – Mateu Llodrà greatly values this neighbourhood – the best classical music and jazz shop in Mallorca located at Costa de sa Pols and a few bookshops.

Sicília sense morts (Sicily without the dead ones)

Translated by Núria Cohen.

Guillem Frontera

(Ariany, 1945). Guillem Frontera writes poetry, narrative, plays and essays as well as scripts for radio and television. He has also worked in journalism with opinion pieces and essays. He was the founder and director of a collection of poems entitled La Sínia (1965) (The Waterwheel) and in 1968 he published Els Carnissers (The butchers), winner of the Ciutat de Palma Prize. His career as a writer includes Tirannosaurus (1977), La ruta del cangurs (1979) (The kangaroos route), Un cor massa madur (1994) (An all too mature heart) and Sicília sense morts (2015) (Sicily without the dead), among many other books.

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