Angelika Schrobsdorff: Views of the Bay of Palma

Dear Ilschen, I just went from the bedroom to a small room, and from there I went out to the balcony, where I have the blue-blue sea in front of me (it's not a poetic exaggeration, it's really blue) and, above me, the sky of an equally intense blue, with a radiant sun. (...)

Do you want me to tell you about the trip? It has not lacked comedy, it has been a mixture of cinema and nightmare: car, train, car, plane, car, boat, car, Palma; in total, forty hours.

You Are not Like Other Mothers, 2012 

Translated by Núria Cohen.

Angelika Schrobsdorff

(Freiburg , 1927 – Berlin, 2016). Angelika Schrobsdorff was a German writer and actor of Jewish origin. She was raised in Berlin and due to the rise of Nazism in 1939 she fled to Sofia, Bulgaria with her mother. Her grandmother died in the Theresienstadt concentration camp. After the Second World War she moved to Paris where she married the film director Claude Lanzmann. In 1986 she spent some time in Israel and in 2006 she returned to Germany. Her books have been translated into several languages. Her most internationally successful work You are not like other mothers is a fictionalized account of her mother´s life.

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