Albert Herranz: Santa Catalina neighborhood

In 19... Evarist was sent to Havana by parents who were at a loss as to what to do with that boy who did not want to enter into the military in accordance with his father´s wishes nor become a priest to those of his mother´s. Perhaps spending time with the family with whom he was to live in the overseas colonies would bend this iron and he would become malleable. Thus one cold morning with the mists still spreading over the port, and a brilliant white Dalt Vila emerging as a reflection of the goddess Tanit, his parents, whom he felt were becoming increasingly distant, saw him off. He picked up his belongings and crossed the footbridge that led to the Buena Esperanza. But the journey by boat was to be a short one. The vessel called at the capital, Palma de Mallorca, and he took the opportunity to remain on land. He was young and had many reasons to take the bull by the horns and laugh at its expense, and that was the time when he started to frequent the suburb of Santa Catalina. There he met people from the trade union who would signify so much in his life.

Els llums encisadors (The enticing lights), 2005 

Translated by Núria Cohen.

Albert Herranz

(Estocolm, 1970). Albert Herranz is a writer and translator. His literary career has been forged between Sweden and Mallorca and he is the author of poems, prose and plays. Among his works of different genres are Geografia Interior (1994), Frases para Tristán Tzara (1997), El jugador de triquet (1998), Incident a Malaco (1999), Ambaixador d´un país inexistent (2000), Els llums encisadors (2005) and Radiografies (2007) (X-rays). He has also made contributions to periodical publications, newspapers, the radio and undertaken audiovisual projects both for programmes and documentaries.


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